TICA is a brand name of Everwinner which was founded in 1965 in Taichung, Taiwan.

In the beginning, Everwinner focused on manufacturing expertise on machined parts and athletic equipment. Soon after, Everwinner started producing high quality fishing tackle for the global market.


 Everwinner’s reputation for high quality innovative products and on-time delivery is legendary.

 In 1991 Everwinner created the “TICA” brand.

 For many years Everwinner was a supplier (OEM manufacturer) for many famous fishing tackle brands, and “TICA” was Everwinner’s chance to establish themselves under their own label.

In a competitive business environment, the company is best organized through vertical and internal integration and horizontal communication, and TICA is committed to implementing sufficient resources into its integration and application.

The principle of everlasting business is to continuously innovate by expanding upon the potential abilities and personal values of the company’s employees, driving the motor of innovation and allowing TICA to constantly pull ahead of the competition.

To succeed, companies must analyze their own organizational structure and adapt to different situations to strengthen themselves. Because of its boldness and flexibility in confronting these challenges, TICA is here to stay and will always lead the fishing industry.

TICA’s different perspectives and ideas are the key to building effective strategies in a competitive market, and working diligently step-by-step to fulfill these goals will result in achieving our aspirations.